路由# 321076470

我如何形成 良好的消费习惯?

2020年9月9日 4分钟

Without good habits in place, it can be immensely challenging to 量入为出 避免超支. Spending more money than you take in can be a slippery slope for your 财务状况, 可能导致不良信用, 增加债务, 或者难以支付账单.

If you’re looking to curb your spending, the practical course of action is to cut back on day-to-day expenses and create a budget. Of course, this is easier said than done. That’s why we’ve compiled our best tips and advice for forming good spending habits.

Make room in your budget for entertainment and non-essentials, 就像约会之夜, 与朋友共进早午餐, 或者新衣服.”

减少 日常支出

In theory, not spending money on unnecessary things should be simple. 然而,, 因为花钱是生活的一部分, it can be hard to tell the difference between essential and non-essential purchases. The following ideas can help you know where and how to cut back.

1. 删去那些你不需要的东西: 一般来说, 必需品包括食物, 运输, 住房支付, 公用事业公司, 医疗成本, 和照顾孩子. In other words, it’s what you need to get by. Take note of your daily spending and consider cutting anything that doesn’t qualify as a must-have. Some things, like clothing, fall into a gray area. While you technically need clothes, you might not need any new pieces at the moment.

2. 自己准备食物: You have to eat at least three times a day, which can really add up if you buy all (or even some) of your meals out. One of the best ways to control your spending is to prepare all your own food. This goes for coffee, 太 — spending $5 a day on a latte can cost you $150 a month. If you’re not sure where to start, tons of easy recipes and 即时的想法 可以在网上找到.

3. 坚持列一个清单: Whether you’re shopping for groceries or household items, making a list before heading out the door can help you sidestep impulse buys. Even small items can really add up on your checkout total.

4. 把你的信用卡放在家里: When used responsibly, credit cards can be a helpful financial 太l. But the temptation of a line of credit can also lead to overspending. You might want to leave your credit cards at home to prevent yourself from using them. 如果你喜欢在网上购物, removing any auto-filled credit card numbers from your browser can help you avoid using them altogether.

5. 计算真实成本: When you want to buy something, it can help to consider its “true cost.” This means calculating how long it would take you to earn the money to pay for it. 例如, if you make $18 an hour and want to buy $80 shoes, the true cost of the shoes is almost four and a half hours of your time. In some cases, this calculation might be enough to make you reconsider a purchase.

6. 睡一觉: Another approach that can help you avoid overspending is to wait at least a day before deciding to buy something. After the initial excitement and draw to a purchase wears off, you’ll have a better idea of whether it’s worth your money.

3个基本步骤 对预算

预算 is often key to controlling your spending, and it doesn’t need to be complicated. Here’s the 3 basic steps: after tracking your current spending habits and then reviewing your recurring expenses, create a budget outlining where your money will go moving forward.

1. 记录你的支出: If you’re like a lot of people, you might find yourself wondering where all your money goes. When you track your spending for a month, you might be surprised by how much unnecessary purchases add up.

2. 回顾你的经常性开支: 反复出现的 个人支出 include things like your phone and internet bills, 电视流媒体服务, 杂志订阅, 还有健身房会员. While some expenses are must-haves, you can probably live without others. Consider canceling any unneeded recurring charges to cut down on your monthly spending.

3. 制定预算: 在预算到位的情况下, you can prioritize your must-haves and plan where your additional income will go each month. You might allocate a certain amount to building an emergency fund, saving for retirement, 偿还债务或者为购买大件物品而存钱.

In 制定预算别忘了为娱乐做预算! Though budgeting is all about controlling your spending and making sure you can afford the things you need, 享受生活很重要, 太. 有时候,玩乐是要花钱的. We recommend making room in your budget for entertainment and non-essentials, 就像约会之夜, 与朋友共进早午餐, 或者新衣服.

With smart money habits and a budget in place, you can control your spending and improve your 财务状况. 在帕特尔科, 我们想帮助你负责任地消费, 管理你的钱, 朝着你的目标努力. Patelco在线™ offers easy-to-use budgeting 太ls and can sync your accounts with platforms like Mint or Excel. You’ll also get a real-time snapshot of your balances, as well as any upcoming payments and money transfers.

